
We believe that strict adherence to the dress code promotes the proper discipline, attitude and performance in a dance class and promotes professionalism to a dancer’s character. If a student is not in proper uniform, they can borrow attire for the day, but will need to return after class. If a student is missing the same attire for three classes in a row, parents will be charged for the missing attire to their account. Hair must be tied back from dancer’s face so they are not distracted from their movements.

Class Discipline:
While in class, students must give their full attention to the instructor. Students may not chew gum or eat in the studio. Students are to show respect to our instructors and are not allowed to enter or leave the classroom without the permission of the instructor. Any student talking and/or behaving inappropriately during class may be asked to leave for the day and a parent meeting will be called if discipline is needed on more than one occasion.

If your child is feeling ill at all, you must keep them home ie. Runny nose, cough, congestion, fever. If a dancer looks or feels sick, we will send them home. Please do not send your dancer to class if they do not feel well for the safety of your child as well as others! Sick dancers will not be allowed in the studio and can wait in the lobby until a parent is able to pick them up. Please let us know in advanced if your child has any preexisting conditions so instructors can be prepared to allow them to rest as needed.

Absences/Makeup Classes:
There are NO REFUNDS for classes. We will do our best to hold makeup classes if in an event of an emergency and we have to cancel classes. There are no individual makeup classes. We will do our best to schedule makeup classes on Fridays or make video classes if an event should occur that we will need to close I.E typhoon, pandemic. Our studio will close if we are in Category 3 of a storm warning. Please stay updated with the weather reports.


Parents, siblings, etc. are welcomed to come and watch. Observers may watch through the window but please note, the window is not tinted and students can see into the lobby as well. Please be mindful of not distracting the class. Photos may be taken of your dancer in class, but please focus on your student only. Videotaping the class is not allowed unless instructors give permission. Observers are not allowed inside the studio except when the instructor invites observers in to the studio. Siblings, friends and other minors are allowed to wait for students in the lobby area only if an adult accompanies them. Please do not leave children unattended.

Please turn your cell phones off in class. Students will not be cell phone use in the studio unless given permission by instructors to record class choreography. Cell phones should be kept in your dance bag at all times on silent mode to prevent distractions.  

Any student or parent whose attitude, conduct, or compliance with these policies is found to be unsatisfactory with BodyArts Dance staff will be subject to dismissal from the school and the registration fee, deposit AND tuition will NOT be refunded.

We highly encourage students to wash their hands before and after classes. This helps prevention of sicknesses and exchanging of germs.  

Bathroom Breaks:
We encourage students to use the bathroom before classes start to have optimum time in the studio. Dance shoes must be changed to regular street shoes when going to the bathroom. Students must wash hand after using the restroom and reentering the lobby. Proper hand-washing is absolutely essential when returning to class.

Pick Up Policy:
You must pick up your child on time! If you wish our staff to escort your child down to your car safely, we ask you call our studio at least 10 minutes before their class ends so our front desk person may bring students down together. If dancers are old enough to walk down by themselves, we ask parents to notify front desk for their safety and students do not leave without informing the front desk! 

BodyArts Dance Studio shall not be responsible for any personal injury. Ballet barres are not used for hanging or climbing. You should not practice any difficult movements without an instructor present. Do not horseplay or play rough with each other in the lobby. Please respect our studio and each other.

Lost Property:
Please do not bring valuable items to class. We ask everyone respects each other’s property and return valuable items if found. Our studio lobby provides books, toys, and activities for the kids. We ask that if your child uses our items, to please clean up and return items after use so another child may have the same privilege to use items as well. If an item was accidentally brought home, we ask that the item please be returned.